12th Annual Conference 


Media and Information Dissemination
Chair: Siew Hong TEOH (University of California, Los Angeles and ABFER)

Venue: Tanglin I & II

9:00 am – 9:50 am
The Costs of Silence: The Impact of Misinformation Regulation on Finfluencers and Corporate Information Environment
Zhenghai CHI* (National University of Singapore)
Bin KE (National University of Singapore and ABFER)

Joseph PACELLI (Harvard University)
9:50 am – 10:20 am
10:20 am – 11:10 am
Lie to Me: Using Facial Expressions to Detect ESG Washing
Yiwei DOU (New York University)
Binglei DUAN (Central University of Finance and Economics)
Danqi HU* (Peking University)
Changtuo (Alto) LUO (Peking University)

Yun LOU (Singapore Management University)
11:10 am – 11:40 am
11:40 am – 12:30 pm
When Home Pride Meets Professional Integrity: Journalists’ Strategic Reporting about Hometown Firms under Misconduct Investigations
Jiaxing YOU (Xiamen University)
Qian LIU (Xiamen University)
Libin QIN (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)
Jingjing XIA* (Wenzhou-Kean University)

Luo ZUO (National University of Singapore)


Asia Capital Markets and Information Environment
Chair: Huai ZHANG (Nanyang Technological University and ABFER)

Venue: Tanglin I & II

2:00 pm – 2:50 pm
Enhancing Investor Engagement with AI-Summarized Disclosures
T.J. WONG* (University of Southern California and ABFER)
Yang YI (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)
Gwen YU (University of Michigan)
Shubo ZHANG (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Tianyu ZHANG (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)

Joachim GASSEN (Humboldt University of Berlin)
2:50 am – 3:20 pm
3:20 am – 4:10 pm
Earnings Management and Price Informativeness
Zhiguo HE (Stanford University and ABFER)
Wenxi JIANG* (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Wei XIONG (Princeton University and ABFER)

Jun QIAN (Fudan University and ABFER)
4:10 pm – 4:40 pm
4:40 pm – 5:30 pm
Economic Consequences of Bias in Fair Value Accounting: Evidence from the Korean Bond Markets
Daniel AOBDIA (Pennsylvania State University)
Doyeon KIM* (University of Hong Kong)
Derrald STICE (University of Hong Kong)

Rimmy TOMY (University of Chicago)

* Presenter. Program is subjected to change. Updated 26 Feb 2025.

Session Format

Three papers will be presented during each session. Each paper presentation lasts for 50 minutes, including 20 minutes for presentation, 15 minutes for discussion and 15 minutes for Q&A. There will be a 30 minutes break after each paper.

Contact Information

Program Director Conference Organizer
Qiang CHENG (Singapore Management University & ABFER)
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Douglas SKINNER (The University of Chicago & ABFER)
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Sterling HUANG (New York University-Shanghai)
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Yun LOU (Singapore Management University)
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Call for Papers
Call for Posters
Program Summary (PDF)
Conference Schedule (PDF)
Interest to Attend Conference
Dress Code
Important Information