12th Annual Conference 
Real Estate And Urban Economics

(Joint with IREUS)

Housing markets and policies
Chair: Jing WU (Tsinhgua University and ABFER)

Venue: Tanglin III & IV

9:00 am – 10:00 am
Fiscal Stimulus Payments, Housing Demand, and House Price Inflation
Leming LIN* (University of Pittsburgh)

Zoe Yang YANG (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
10:00 am – 10:30 am
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Nonbank Growth and Local Housing Booms
Hyun-Soo CHOI (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) and ABFER)
Yongheng DENG (University of Wisconsin–Madison and ABFER)
Heejin YOON* (University of Wisconsin–Madison)

Ryan REN (Zhejiang University)
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Cracking Down, Pricing Up: Housing Supply in the Wake of Mass Deportation
Troup HOWARD (University of Utah)
Mengqi WANG (Amherst College)
Dayin ZHANG* (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Betty Xiao WANG (University of Hong Kong)

Mortgage risks and policies
Chair: Sheridan TITMAN (University of Texas at Austin and ABFER)

Venue: Tanglin III & IV

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Individual Landlords in the Mortgage Market
Joao F. COCCO (London Business School)
S. Lakshmi NAARAAYANAN* (London Business School)
Jagdish TRIPATHY (Bank of England)

Jorge DE LA ROCA (University of Southern California)
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Mortgages, Subways and Automobiles
Sumit AGARWAL (National University of Singapore and ABFER)
Yeow Hwee CHUA* (Nanyang Technological University)
Pulak GHOSH (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore and ABFER)
Soumya Kanti GHOSH (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore and State Bank of India)
Liuyang SHE (Nanyang Technological University)

Jagdish TRIPATHY (Bank of England)
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Cost Pass-Through and Mortgage Credit: The Case of Guarantee Fees
Ankit KALDA (Indiana University)
Charles Gavin PEARSON* (University of Florida)
David SOVICH (University of Kentucky)

Jia HE (Nankai University)

* Presenter. Program is subjected to change. Updated 05 Mar 2025.

Session Format

Three papers will be presented during each session. Each paper lasts for one hour, including 25 minutes for presentation, 20 minutes for discussion and 15 minutes for Q&A. There will be a 30 minutes break after the first paper.

Contact Information

Program Director Conference Organizer

Yongheng DENG (University of Wisconsin-Madison and ABFER)
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Stijn VAN NIEUWERBURGH (Columbia University and ABFER)
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Lu HAN (University of Wisconsin-Madison and ABFER)
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Tien Foo SING (National University of Singapore and ABFER)
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Call for Papers
Call for Posters
Program Summary (PDF)
Conference Schedule (PDF)
Interest to Attend Conference
Dress Code
Important Information