4th Annual Conference: Economic Transformation of Asia


Chair: Chong Kee Yip (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Session: Public Policy and Economic Development

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Politician Family Networks and Electoral Outcomes: Evidence from the Philippines

Julien Labonne* (Yale-NUS College)
Cesi Cruz (University of British Columbia)
Pablo Querubin (New York University)

Yongheng Deng (National University of Singapore)
Jing Wu (Tsinghua University)

Conference Paper  
3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Liquidity Regulation and Unintended Financial Transformation in China

Michael Song* (The Chinese Universityof Hong Kong)
Kinda Cheryl Hachem (University of Chicago)

Yongheng Deng (National University of Singapore)
Jing Wu (Tsinghua University)

Conference Paper  
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
China, Structural Change and Multinational Production

Kei-Mu Yi* (University of Houston)

Yongheng Deng (National University of Singapore)
Jing Wu (Tsinghua University)

Conference Paper  

Chair: Pao-Li Chang (Singapore Management University)

Session: Trade and Aggregate Performance

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
'Just Do Your Job': Obedience, Routine Tasks, and the Pattern of Specialization

Davin Chor* (National University of Singapore)
Filipe Campante (Harvard University)

Wentai Hsu (Singapore Management Unviersity)
Lin Ma (National University of Singapore)

Conference Paper  
3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Product Dynamics and Aggregate Shocks: Evidence from Japanese Product

Robert Dekle* (University of Southern California)
Atsushi Kawakami (Teikyo University)
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University)
Tsutomu Miyagawa (Gakushuin University)

Wentai Hsu (Singapore Management Unviersity)
Lin Ma (National University of Singapore)

Conference Paper  
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
International Trade and Non-Convergence Trap for Middle-Income Countries

Yong Wang* (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Wentai Hsu (Singapore Mnagaement University)
Lin Ma (National Unviersity of Singapore)


Chair: Charles Leung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Session: Migration

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Rich and Unhappy: A Quantitative Analysis of Internal Trade and Migration in China

Yang Tang* (Nanyang Technological University)
Lin Ma (National University of Singapore)

Yuming Fu (National University of Singapore)
Yu Qin (National University of Singapore)
Laura Wu (Nanyang Technological University)

3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
To Stay or to Migrate? The One-child Policy, Work-based Migration and Land Entitlement in China

Liao Pei-Ju (Academia Sinica)
Wang Ping (Washington University in St. Louis)
Wang Yin-Chi* (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Chong Kee Yip (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)f

Yuming Fu (National University of Singapore)
Yu Qin (National University of Singapore)
Laura Wu (Nanyang Technological University)

Conference Paper  
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Trade, Migration and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis of China

Xiaodong Zhu* (University of Toronto)
Trevor Tombe (University of Calgary)

Yuming Fu (National University of Singapore)
Yu Qin (National University of Singapore)
Laura Wu (Nanyang Technological University)

Conference Paper  


Contact Information

Program Director Conference Organizer

Ping Wang (Washington University in St. Louis)
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Wei Shang Jin (Columbia University)
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Davin Chor (National University of Singapore)
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Jessica Pan (National University of Singapore)
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