
The 12th Asian Monetary Policy Forum (AMPF) will be held at the Conrad Orchard Singapore on 23 May 2025. The forum brings together an exclusive group of high-level central bankers, academics and private sector analysts to share perspectives on pressing monetary policy issues in Asia. AMPF is organized under the auspices of ABFER, with support from the NUS Business School and Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). The AMPF will commence on 22 May 2025 with a joint dinner with ABFER.



Venue: Royal Pavilion Ballroom, Level 1
Conrad Singapore Orchard, 1 Cuscaden Rd, Singapore 249715

6:00 pm – 6:30 pm
6:30 pm – 6:35 pm
Welcome Remarks by Mr Edward ROBINSON
Deputy Managing Director (Economic Policy) and Chief Economist, Monetary Authority of Singapore and Member of ABFER Council
6:35 pm – 7:35 pm
Keynote Speech by Professor Raghuram RAJAN
Professor of Finance, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago

“Monetary Policy and Financial Stability”

Q&A Session

Chair: Professor Steven DAVIS
Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, William H. Abbott Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business; Senior Fellow and Exco Member, ABFER
7:35 pm – 9:00 pm
9:00 pm

Venue: Royal Pavilion Ballroom, Level 1
Conrad Singapore Orchard, 1 Cuscaden Rd, Singapore 249715

8:30 am – 9:00 am
9:00 am – 9:10 am
Welcome Remarks by Mr Edward ROBINSON
Deputy Managing Director (Economic Policy) and Chief Economist, Monetary Authority of Singapore and Member of ABFER Council
9:10 am – 9:40 am
Opening Address by Dr Adam POSEN
President, Peterson Institute for International Economics
9:40 am – 10:20 am
Commissioned Paper by Professor Helene REY
Lord Raj Bagri Professor of Economics, London Business School and Senior Fellow, ABFER
10:20 am – 10:40 am
10:40 am – 12:20 pm
Discussion of Commissioned Paper

Professor Menzie CHINN
Professor of Public Affairs and Economics, Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Professor Olivier JEANNE
Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Johns Hopkins University

Chair: Professor Sumit AGARWAL
Low Tuck Kwong Distinguished Professor, HOD Real Estate, Managing Director of Sustainable and Green Finance Institute, National University of Singapore and President of ABFER
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
1:30 pm – 2.45 pm
Luncheon Address by Professor Pierre-Olivier GOURINCHAS
Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research Department, International Monetary Fund

Dialogue, Q&A

Facilitated and Chaired by: Professor Shang-Jin WEI
N.T. Wang Professor of Chinese Business and Economy, and Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia University; Former Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank and Vice President, ABFER
2:45 pm – 3:00 pm
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Policy Panel on Financial Markets as Propagators of Global Shocks

Chief Economist and Head of Global Investment Research, Goldman Sachs

Chief Economist and General Manager of the Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank

Adviser, GIC

Chair: Professor Amit SERU
The Steven and Roberta Denning Professor of Finance, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University and Vice President of ABFER
4:45 pm
4:50 pm

Programme is subjected to change. Updated 04 Mar 2025.

Chronological Order of Speakers

  • Mr Edward ROBINSON

    Mr Edward ROBINSON


    Deputy Managing Director (Economic Policy) and Chief Economist, Monetary Authority of Singapore and Member of ABFER Council

    Edward Robinson has been with the MAS since 1992 and has been involved in macroeconometric modeling and is responsible for heading a team engaged in the continuing developmental work for the suite of MAS models, which are used for policy analysis. He has also been involved in other areas of economic policy work including in various inter-agency work groups which looked at the structural challenges facing the Singapore economy. He served on the Board of the Singapore Competition Commission between 2005 and 2007. He studied economics and applied econometrics at Monash University and the University of Melbourne.

  • Professor Raghuram RAJAN

    Professor Raghuram RAJAN


    Professor of Finance, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago

    Raghuram Rajan is the Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago’s Booth School. He was the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India between 2013 and 2016, Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Bank for International Settlements (2015-16) and Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund (2003-2006).

    Dr. Rajan’s book Fault Lines (2010) won the Financial Times prize for best business book and his book The Third Pillar: How Markets and the State hold the Community Behind (2019) was a finalist for the award. His most recent book (December 2023) is Breaking the Mold: India’s Untraveled Path to Prosperity, with Rohit Lamba

    Dr. Rajan was the President of the American Finance Association (AFA). He received the AFA’s inaugural Fischer Black Prize in 2003, the Deutsche Bank Prize for financial economics in 2013, Euromoney magazine’s Central Banker of the Year award in 2014, and The Banker magazine's Global Central Banker award in 2016.

    Dr. Rajan is a managing director of Andersen, a senior economic advisor to BDT&MSD, on the advisory boards of PIMCO and RLUSD, as well as on the IMF Managing Director’s and New York Fed President’s advisory boards. He is Chairman of the Per Jacobsson Foundation, and on the governing board of KREA University.

  • Professor Steven DAVIS

    Professor Steven DAVIS


    Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, William H. Abbott Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and Senior Fellow and Exco Member, ABFER

    Steven Davis is the Thomas W. and Susan B. Ford Senior Fellow and Director of Research at the Hoover Institution, senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), and distinguished service professor emeritus at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He is an NBER research associate, IZA research fellow, senior academic fellow with the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economics Research, adviser to the Monetary Authority of Singapore, visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, senior adviser to the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, and an elected fellow of the Society of Labor Economists. He hosts Economics, Applied, a bi-monthly podcast series sponsored by the Hoover Institution.

    In addition to his scholarly work, Davis has written for the Atlantic, Bloomberg View, Financial Times, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal and other popular media. He has appeared on BBC, Bloomberg TV, CGTN, Channel News Asia, CNBC, CNN, Fox News, NBC Network News, Sinclair Broadcast Group, and the U.S. Public Broadcasting System.

  • Dr Adam POSEN

    Dr Adam POSEN


    President, Peterson Institute for International Economics

    Adam Posen has been president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics since January 2013. Over his career, he has contributed to research and public policy regarding monetary and fiscal policies in the G-20, the challenges of European integration since the adoption of the euro, China-US economic relations, and developing new approaches to financial recovery and stability. He was one of the first economists to seriously address the political foundations of central bank independence and to analyze Japan's Great Recession as a failure of macroeconomic policy. While at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York during 1994–97, he coauthored Inflation Targeting: Lessons from the International Experience with Ben Bernanke, Thomas Laubach, and Frederic Mishkin.

    During Dr. Posen's presidency, the Peterson Institute has won global recognition as the leading independent think tank in international economics, including repeated top rankings from the Prospect Think Tank Awards and the Global Go To Think Tank Index. Under his leadership, PIIE has expanded to include 42 world-renowned resident and nonresident fellows and increased its endowment by 50 percent. Since 2013, PIIE has developed high-level recognition and research partnerships in the People's Republic of China, while deepening longstanding ties with policymakers in other East Asian, European, and North American capitals. The Institute also has broken new ground in providing accessible economic analysis to the general public.

    In September 2009, Posen was appointed by the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer to serve a three-year term as an external voting member of the Bank of England's rate-setting Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). During this critical period for the world economy, Posen advocated an activist policy response to the financial crisis, led the MPC into quantitative easing, and accurately forecast global inflation developments. The Atlantic named him in its line-up of global "Superstar Central Bankers" in 2012. He also consulted for the UK Cabinet Office for the successful London G-20 summit of 2009 during the global financial crisis.

    He was made an honorary Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 2014 for his services to British economic policy. He received the Order of the Rising Sun from the government of Japan in 2021 for his distinguished achievements in advancing US-Japanese economic relations and Japanese economic policy in the global context.

    Posen has been the recipient of major grants and research fellowships from the American Academy in Berlin, the Brookings Institution, the Bank of England, the European Commission, the Ford Foundation, the Sloan Foundation, and the US National Science Foundation. In November 2018, he gave the inaugural Adam Smith Distinguished Lecture at the University of Glasgow. In January 2019, he was named a CEPR Distinguished Fellow. He served seven terms as a member of the Panel of Economic Advisers to the U.S. Congressional Budget Office from 2005 to 2019. Posen received his BA and PhD from Harvard University.

    Posen has been widely cited and published commentary in leading news and policy publications, including the Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, Handelsblatt, Die Welt, Harvard Business Review, and The International Economy. He appears frequently on Bloomberg television and radio, among other media programming.

  • Professor Helene REY

    Professor Helene REY


    Lord Raj Bagri Professor of Economics, London Business School and Senior Fellow, ABFER

    Helene Rey is the Lord Bagri Professor of Economics at London Business School. Until 2007, she was at Princeton University, as Professor of Economics and International Affairs in the Economics Department and the Woodrow Wilson School. She was elected President of the European Economic Association in 2022.

    Her research focuses on the determinants and consequences of external trade and financial imbalances, the theory and empirics of financial crises and the organization of the international monetary system. She demonstrated in particular that countries's gross external asset positions help predict current account adjustments and the exchange rate. She introduced the concept of Global Financial Cycles and qualified the idea of the Mundellian Trilemma. She was awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, the 2006 Bernácer Prize and the 2012 inaugural Birgit Grodal Award of the European Economic Association.

    In 2013 she received the Yrjö Jahnsson Award shared with Thomas Piketty, in 2014, the Inaugural Carl Menger Preis, the 2015 Prix Edouard Bonnefous, the 2017 Maurice Allais Prize and the 2020 Prix Turgot. Professor Rey is an elected Fellow of the British Academy, of the Econometric Society, of the European Economic Association, of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Economic Association, a correspondant of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. She was made O.B.E for services to economics. She was on the board of the Review of Economic Studies (2008-2015), an associate editor of the AEJ: Macroeconomics Journal. She is a co-editor of the Annual Review of Economics, a Research Fellow and Vice President of CEPR and an NBER Research Associate.

    She is a member of the Group of Thirty, of the Bellagio Group on the international economy and a member of the external advisory group to the managing director of the IMF. She is a member of the Haut Conseil de Stabilité Financière (French Macro Prudential Authority). She was a member of the Conseil d’Analyse Economique until 2012 and on the Board of the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (2010-2014). She writes a regular column for the French newspaper Les Echos.

    Hélène Rey received her undergraduate degree from ENSAE, a Master in Engineering Economic Systems from Stanford University and her PhDs from the London School of Economics and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.

  • Professor Menzie CHINN

    Professor Menzie CHINN


    Professor of Public Affairs and Economics, Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Menzie Chinn is Professor of public affairs and economics. His research examines macroeconomic developments within — and interactions between — countries.

    Professor Chinn is coauthor with Jeffry Frieden of Lost Decades: The Making of America’s Debt Crisis and the Long Recovery (W.W. Norton, 2011). He is a Research Associate in the International Finance and Macroeconomics Program of the National Bureau of Economic Research. In 2015, Professor Chinn received the Leon D. Epstein Distinguished Faculty Research Award from the UW-Madison College of Letters & Science.

    Professor Chinn has been a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund, the Congressional Budget Office, the Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank and the Banque de France. He is coeditor of the Journal of International Money and Finance, and an associate editor of the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. His work has been cited in The Economist, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Business Week, and he has been interviewed on Bloomberg, Reuters, Marketplace, NPR, and Wisconsin Public Radio. In 2000 and 2001, he served as Senior Staff Economist for International Finance on the Council of Economic Advisers.

    Professor Chinn is co-author of Econbrowser, a weblog devoted to current macroeconomic issues, and a contributor to EconoFact. Prior to his appointment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2003, Professor Chinn taught at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

  • Professor Olivier JEANNE

    Professor Olivier JEANNE


    Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Johns Hopkins University

    Olivier Jeanne joined the Johns Hopkins Department of Economics in 2008, after ten years in various positions at the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund. His research spans an array of applied and theoretical topics in international and domestic macroeconomics: capital flows, exchange rate regimes and currency crises, sovereign debt and defaults, international liquidity, and monetary policy. Outside of Hopkins, he is also a research associate at National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER, Cambridge MA), a research fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR, London), and a nonresident senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics (Washington, D.C.).

  • Professor Sumit AGARWAL

    Professor Sumit AGARWAL


    Low Tuck Kwong Distinguished Professor, HOD Real Estate, Managing Director of Sustainable and Green Finance Institute, National University of Singapore and President of ABFER

    Sumit Agarwal is the Low Tuck Kwong Professor at the School of Business and Professor in the departments of Economics, Finance and Real Estate at the National University of Singapore. Previously, he held positions as a Professor of Finance at Georgetown University, senior financial economist in the research department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and a senior vice president and credit risk management executive in the Small Business Risk Solutions Group of Bank of America.

    Dr. Agarwal's research interests include issues relating to financial institutions, household finance, behavioral finance, international finance, real estate markets, urban economics and capital markets. He has published over eighty research articles in journals like the American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking among others. Additionally, he has co-written a book titled Kiasunomics and co-edited a collected volume on Household Credit Usage: Personal Debt and Mortgages.

    He is the co-editor of Real Estate Economics and an association editor at Management Science and Journal of Financial Services Research. He writes regular op-ed’s in the Straits Times and Forbes and is featured on various media outlets like the BBC, CNBC, and Fox on issues relating to finance, banking, and real estate markets. Sumit’s research is widely cited in leading newspapers and magazines like the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Economist, and the U.S Presidents Report to Congress. He also runs a blog on household financial decision making called Smart Finance.

    Dr. Agarwal has won various prestigious awards like the Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Outstanding Researcher Award at the National University of Singapore, the Paul Samuelson TIAA-CREF certificate of excellence, the Terker Family Prizes in Investment Research Award from the Wharton School of Business, the Glucksman Institute Research Award from New York University and grants from the Russell Sage Foundation and the NBER/Sloan Foundation.

    Dr. Agarwal has been invited to present his research at many renowned universities such Columbia University, Northwestern University, University of California Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Maryland, as well as institutions and central banks namely the IMF, World Bank, European Central Bank, European Union, Dutch Central Bank, Riksbank, OCC, and the Federal Reserve Banks of Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta, Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. He has consulted with the World Bank, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, OCC, the Reserve Bank of India and Bank of America.

    He has also served as an adjunct professor and a scholar at the finance department at George Washington University, DePaul University, the Indian School of Business, HKUST, BIS and the World Bank. Agarwal received a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

  • Professor Pierre-Olivier GOURINCHAS

    Professor Pierre-Olivier GOURINCHAS


    Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research Department, International Monetary Fund

    Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas is the Economic Counsellor and the Director of Research of the IMF. He is on leave from the University of California at Berkeley where he is the S.K. and Angela Chan Professor of Global Management in the Department of Economics and at the Haas School of Business. Professor Gourinchas was the editor-in-chief of the IMF Economic Review from its creation in 2009 to 2016, the managing editor of the Journal of International Economics between 2017 and 2019, and a co-editor of the American Economic Review between 2019 and 2022. He is on-leave from the National Bureau of Economic Research where he was director of the International Finance and Macroeconomics program, a Research Fellow with the Center for Economic Policy Research CEPR (London) and a Fellow of the Econometric Society.

    Professor Gourinchas' main research interests are in international macroeconomics and finance. His recent research focuses on the scarcity of global safe assets, global imbalances and currency wars; on the International Monetary System and the role of the U.S. dollar; on the Dominant Currency Paradigm; on the determinants of capital flows to and from developing countries; on international portfolios; on the global financial crisis and on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on business failures. Professor Gourinchas is the laureate of the 2007 Bernácer Prize for best European economist working in macroeconomics and finance under the age of 40, and of the 2008 Prix du Meilleur Jeune Economiste for best French economist under the age of 40. In 2012-2013, Professor Gourinchas was a member of the French Council of Economic Advisors to the Prime Minister.

    He attended Ecole Polytechnique and received his PhD in Economics in 1996 from MIT. He taught at Stanford Graduate School of Business and Princeton University before joining UC Berkeley department of economics in 2003. He grew up in Montpellier, France.

  • Professor Shang-Jin WEI

    Professor Shang-Jin WEI


    N.T. Wang Professor of Chinese Business and Economy, and Professor of Finance and Economics, Columbia University; Former Chief Economist, Asian Development Bank and Vice President, ABFER

    Shang-Jin Wei is N.T. Wang Professor of Chinese Business and Economy and Professor of Finance and Economics at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business and School of International and Public Affairs.

    During 2014-2016, Dr. Wei served as Chief Economist of Asian Development Bank and Director General of its Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department. He was ADB’s chief spokesperson on economic trends and economic development in Asia, advised ADB’s President on economic development issues, led the bank’s analytical support for regional cooperation fora including ASEAN+3 (China, Japan, and Korea) and APEC, growth strategy diagnostics for developing member countries, as well as research on macroeconomic, financial, labor market, and globalization issues.

    Prior to his Columbia appointment in 2007, he was Assistant Director and Chief of Trade and Investment Division at the International Monetary Fund. He was the IMF’s Chief of Mission to Myanmar (Burma) in 2004. He previously held the positions of Associate Professor of Public Policy at Harvard University, the New Century Chair in Trade and International Economics at the Brookings Institution, and Advisor at the World Bank.

    He has been a consultant to numerous government organizations including the U.S. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, United Nations Economic Commission on Europe, and United Nations Development Program, the Asian Development Bank, and to private companies such as PricewaterhouseCoopers. He holds a PhD in economics and M.S. in finance from the University of California, Berkeley.

    Dr. Wei is a noted scholar on international finance, trade, macroeconomics, and China. He is a recipient of the Sun Yefang Prize for Distinguished Contributions to Economics (for the invention of the Competitive Saving Motive published in Journal of Political Economy), the Zhang Peifang Prize for Contributions to Economics of Development (for pioneering work on measurement of global value chains published in American Economic Review), and the Gregory Chow Award for Best Research Paper; some of his research was supported by a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation.

    Dr. Wei’s research has been published in top academic journals including American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of International Economics, and Journal of Development Economics, and reported in popular media including Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Economist, Business Week, Times, US News and World Report, Chicago Tribune, South China Morning Post, and other international news media.

  • Dr Jan HATZIUS

    Dr Jan HATZIUS


    Chief Economist and Head of Global Investment Research, Goldman Sachs

    Jan Hatzius an is chief economist and head of Global Investment Research. He is a member of the Management Committee and the Firmwide Client Franchise Committee. Prior to assuming his current role, Jan was head of Global Economics and Markets Research. He joined Goldman Sachs in the Frankfurt office in 1997 and transferred to New York in 1999. He wasnamed managing director in 2004 and partner in 2008.

    Prior to joining Goldman Sachs, Jan was a research officer at the London School of Economics.

    Jan is the No. 1 ranked economist in the annual Institutional Investor Fixed Income survey in both the global and US Economics category. He or his team have held No. 1 positions in the II survey every year since 2012.

    Jan is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Wildlife Conservation Society.

    Jan earned a DPhil in Economics from Oxford University, as well as degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and theKiel Institute for the World Economy.




    Chief Economist and General Manager of the Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank

    Eric Parrado Herrera is Chief Economist and Economic Counselor of the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) since March 2019. Before joining the IDB, he was a professor of economics and finance at the ESE Business School of the Universidad de los Andes in Santiago, Chile. Mr. Parrado is a visiting professor at Oxford University and ETH Zürich, and a member of the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council on Frontier Risks. From 2014 to 2018 he was the Superintendent of Banks and Financial Institutions in Chile, where he promoted reforms such as the modernization of banking legislation and the creation of new instruments for financial inclusion.

    Between 2011 and 2014, he was advisor to the Financial Committee that counsels the Ministry of Finance on the investment policy of Chile's sovereign wealth funds and professor at the Adolfo Ibáñez University. Between 2007 and 2010, he was International Finance Coordinator of the Chilean Ministry of Finance, managing Chile's sovereign wealth funds and playing a key role in the development and promotion of best practices—known internationally as the Santiago Principles —for the world's sovereign wealth funds. From 2004 to 2007, he served as Senior Economist and Financial Stability Manager at the Central Bank of Chile and, from 2001 to 2004, as an Economist at the International Monetary Fund.

    In 2018, ComunidadMujer distinguished Mr. Parrado as a leader in gender equality for his work on the empowerment and economic self-reliance of women in Chile. In 2016, he was admitted to the Circle of Honor of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Chile. In 2011, he was named Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum; in 2009, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Americas Business Council named him as one of a new generation of leaders in the Americas.

    In his career, Mr. Parrado has focused on monetary, fiscal and financial policy, advising central banks on managing inflation targeting regimes and implementing sovereign wealth funds in several countries. He has also written several academic articles on monetary policy, fiscal policy and sovereign wealth funds.

    Mr. Parrado, a Chilean national, has a degree in commercial engineering from the University of Chile and holds a master's and PhD in economics from New York University.




    Adviser, GIC

    Jeffrey Jaensubhakij was appointed Group Chief Investment Officer in January 2017. He oversees GIC’s total investment portfolio and works with investment group heads to develop and manage investment strategies across all asset classes. He also leads the development of medium- and long-term investment strategies and capabilities to optimise the risk-reward of the total portfolio across changing investment environments. He joined GIC in 1998 as an economist and subsequently joined the Equities department as a portfolio manager. He led the US & Developed Markets Equities team out of New York before being appointed President, Europe in 2011 to head GIC’s investment activities in Europe across public and private asset classes. He became President of Public Markets and Director of Public Equities in 2013 and Deputy Group Chief Investment Officer in 2016.

    Dr Jaensubhakij holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Cambridge University, as well as a Master and PhD in Economics from Stanford University.

  • Professor Amit SERU

    Professor Amit SERU


    The Steven and Roberta Denning Professor of Finance, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University and Vice President of ABFER

    Amit Seru is The Steven and Roberta Denning Professor of Finance at Stanford Graduate School of Business, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). He was formerly a faculty member at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.

    Professor Seru’s research focuses on corporate finance with an emphasis on financial intermediation and regulation, technological innovation and incentive provision, and financing in firms. His research in these areas has been published in American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, and other peer-reviewed journals. He was previously a co-editor of the Journal of Finance, an editor of Review of Corporate Finance Studies, department editor (Finance) of Management Science, and an associate editor of the Journal of Political Economy.

    He has presented his research to U.S. and international regulatory agencies, including the Bank for International Settlement (BIS), Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB), European Central Bank (ECB), Federal Reserve, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). Most recently, he gave the Biennial Andrew Crockett lecture on regulation of banks in the era of fintechs to central bank governors around the world at the BIS. He has received various National Science Foundation grants, the Alexandre Lamfalussy research fellowship from BIS, and was named as one of the Top 25 Economists under 45 by the International Monetary Fund in 2014. His research has been featured in major media, including the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Financial Times, and the Economist.

    Seru earned a BE in electronics and communication and an MBA from the University of Delhi. Subsequently, he received a PhD in finance from the University of Michigan. He was a senior consultant at Accenture before pursuing his PhD. Seru was the recipient of a Rackham Pre-Doctoral Fellowship at University of Michigan and received a Lt. Governor’s gold medal for overall academic excellence at the University of Delhi.

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