Webinar Series



The Mandarin Model of Growth

In China's distinct hybrid economy, the central government uses economic performance evaluations to steer the career advancement of local officials. Strong career incentives can enhance growth when local governments are constrained from using debt, but might foster short-termism and crowd out private capital otherwise. The paper develop “institutional accounting” to back out the parameters characterizing the Mandarin system and perform counterfactuals to study their effects. Strong career incentives are a major drive for China's fast growth, while reining in local government debt has a large positive effect on the long-run output. We also compare the equilibrium outcome with the Ramsey solution. Welfare implications of the Mandarin system are ambiguous.


Session Chair: Xiaoyan ZHANG
Xinyuan Chair Professor of Finance, Associate Dean, PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University; Senior Fellow, ABFER

10:00 am
The Mandarin Model of Growth

Zheng (Michael) SONG, Wei Lun Professor of Economics, Head of the Department of Economics, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Senior Fellow, ABFER

Wei XIONG, Professor in Finance, Professor of Economics Department of Economics and Bendheim Center for Finance; Princeton University and Senior Fellow, ABFER
10:25 am
Loren BRANDT, Professor of Economics, Noranda Chair in Economics and International Trade, Economic Development of China, University of Toronto
10:50 am
11:10 am

Updated 19 Dec 2024

Session Format

Each session lasts for 1 hour 10 minutes (25 minutes for the author, 25 minutes for the discussant and 20 minutes for participants' Q&A). Sessions will be recorded and posted on ABFER website, except in cases where speakers or discussants request us not to.


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