Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking, Senior Fellows/Fellows


May 2015

The sign of the correlation between equity returns and exchange rate returns can be positive or negative in theory. Using data for a broad set of forty-two countries, we find that exchange rate movements are in fact unrelated to differentials in country-level equity returns. Consequently, a trading ...
Keywords: Empirical Asset Pricing, exchange rates, Uncovered Equity Parity, International Asset Allocation
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Annual Conference


Corporate Finance


May 2015

We study how government control affects the roles of the media as an information intermediary and a corporate monitor. Comparing a large sample of news articles written by state-controlled and market-oriented Chinese media, we find that articles by the market-oriented media are more critical, more a...
Keywords: Media coverage, media concentration, political capture, CEO turnover
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Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking


May 2015

We find that one global factor explains an important part of the variance of a large cross section of returns of risky assets around the world. Using a model with heterogeneous investors, we interpret the global factor as reflecting aggregate realised variance and the time-varying degree of market-w...
Keywords: Asset markets, financial cycle, risk aversion, credit spreads, credit flows, bank leverage, spillovers
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AMPF Papers


Commissioned Paper


May 2015

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Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

There continues to be substantial debate on whether and how providing inclusive access to finance through microcredit promotes entrepreneurship-led development at the base of the pyramid. We contribute to this literature by examining differences in household-level outcomes associated with microfinan...
Keywords: Necessity Entrepreneurship, Microenterprise, Microfinance, Microcredit, Base of the Pyramid (BOP), Emerging Economies, economic development, Access to Finance
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