Annual Conference


Investment Finance


May 2013

Using detailed origination and performance data on a comprehensive sample of commercial mortgage-backed security (CMBS) deals, along with their underlying loans and a set of similarly rated residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS), we apply reduced-form and structural modeling strategies to tes...
Keywords: CMBS, RMBS, rating inflation, regulatory-capital arbitrage
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Annual Conference


Corporate Finance, Senior Fellows/Fellows


May 2013

This paper uses a unique panel data set of consumer financial transactions to study how consumers respond to exogenous income shocks. Specifically, we study how their spending behavior on their credit card, debit card and bank checking account responds to a positive income shock. Our analysis is bas...
Keywords: Consumption, Spending, Debt, Credit Cards, Household Finance, Banks, Loans, Durable Goods, Discretionary Spending, Fiscal Policy, Tax Rebates, Liquidity Constraints, Credit Constraints
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Annual Conference


Investment Finance, Senior Fellows/Fellows


May 2013

Participants in defined contribution (DC) retirement plans rarely adjust their portfolio allocations, suggesting that their investment choices and consequent money flows are sticky and not discerning. However, participants’ inertia could be offset by DC plan sponsors, who adjust the plan’s inves...
Keywords: Flow-Performance Sensititivity, Defined Contribution Pension Plans, Retirement Savings
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Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking


May 2013

We contribute to the literature on the international transmission of balance sheet shocks that pummeled the banks of the industrialized countries in 2008 and 2009. We examine over time bank level data on over 21,000 banks located around the world. Our identification strategy relies on the differenti...
Keywords: Cross-border bank lending, financial crisis, Contagion to emerging markets
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Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking, Senior Fellows/Fellows


May 2013

To better understand the role that loan officers’ incentives played in the origins of the financial crisis, we study a controlled field experiment conducted by a large bank. In the experiment, the incentive structure of a subset of small business loan officers was altered from fixed salary to volu...
Keywords: loan officers, default, housing bubble, financial crisis
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