Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking


May 2023

This paper develops a small-open-economy model to study optimal capital controls and foreign reserve policy. Private agents hold reserves to prepare for a liquidity shock that requires them to repay a part of outstanding foreign debt before new borrowing. A firesale externality associated with asset...
Keywords: capital controls, Foreign Reserves, Sudden Stops, Liquidity Crisis
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Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking


May 2023

This paper explores the effect of global shocks in a two-country New Keynesian model in which US government debt has an advantage as a superior collateral asset in the balance sheets of banks. We show that the model can account for the observed response of the US dollar and US bond returns to a glob...
Keywords: Exchange rates, financial frictions, liquidity, convenience yield, dollar specialness
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Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking


May 2023

Using data from a panel of advanced economies over four decades, we show that the inflationary effect of fiscal deficits crucially depends on the prevailing fiscal-monetary policy regime. Under fiscal dominance, defined as a regime in which the government does not adjust the primary balance to stabi...
Keywords: Fiscal deficit, inflation, fiscal policy regime, monetary policy regime, monetary policy independenc
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Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking, Senior Fellows/Fellows


May 2023

Unemployment differentials are greater between countries in the euro area than between U.S. states. In both regions, net migration responds to unemployment differentials, though the response is smaller in the euro area compared to the United States. We use a multi-country DSGE model with cross-borde...
Keywords: international migration, optimal currency areas, international business cycles
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Webinar Series


Innovation, Productivity and Challenges in the Digital Era: Asia and Beyond


Mar 2023

We analyze how to set up institutions that future-proof our society for a scenario of ever-more-intelligent autonomous machines that substitute for human labor and drive down wages. We lay out three concerns arising from such a scenario, culminating in the economic redundancy of labor, and evaluate ...
Keywords: automation, substitutability of labor, redundancy of labor, nostalgic jobs, work amenities, social i
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