Annual Conference


Corporate Finance


May 2023

A long literature argues corporate managers learn from stock prices, but organizations’ learning process is challenging to observe. We present a novel test using firm-level readership of financial media articles as a manifestation of managerial learning. We hypothesize that reading financial media...
Keywords: big data, managerial learning, market feedback effects, financial news, R&D
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Annual Conference


Corporate Finance


May 2023

We investigate the link between competition and non-price loan terms by exploiting a regulatory shock to banks’ ability to offer covenant-lite loans. As regulated banks demand more covenants, borrowers trade off staying with banks and receiving lower interest rates, but with covenants, against swi...
Keywords: non-price competition, shadow banks, leveraged lending, covenants, syndicated loans, relationship le
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Annual Conference


Corporate Finance


May 2023

Serving on unsecured creditors’ committee (UCC) of a bankrupt firm, hedge funds gain access to material nonpublic information. Although hedge funds are prohibited from trading bankrupt firm’s securities with information access, less is known about whether such information access facilitates hedg...
Keywords: Bankruptcy, Unsecured Creditors’ Committee, Hedge Funds, Private Information, Trading
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Annual Conference


Corporate Finance


May 2023

Using proprietary data of all high-tech incubators in China, we study a new approach by government to implement industrial policy through market intermediaries instead of directly allocating resources. Exploiting a highly localized industrial policy that targets different “strategic emerging indus...
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Incubators, High-tech startups, Industrial policy, Innovation
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Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking


May 2023

Increased interdependencies across countries have led to calls for greater harmonization of regulations to prevent local shock from spilling over to other countries. Using the rulemaking process of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), this paper studies the process through which harmon...
Keywords: Financial Regulation, Harmonisation of rulemaking, Basel, Political economy, Regulatory Capture, Wat
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