AMPF Papers


Commissioned Paper


Jun 2020

Borrowing from Brunnermeier and Sannikov (2016a, 2019) this policy paper sketches a policy framework for emerging market economies by mapping out the roles and interactions of monetary policy, macroprudential policies, foreign exchange interventions, and capital controls. Safe assets are central in ...
Keywords: Safe asset, bubbles, international capital flows, capital controls, monetary policy, macroprudential
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AMPF Papers


Policy Note


May 2019

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AMPF Papers


Policy Note


May 2019

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Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking


May 2022

We propose a household housing portfolio channel of quantitative easing (QE) transmission. QE induces households to rebalance portfolios from bonds to houses, lowering their expected future returns and thus stimulating consumption and output. We document this channel using both regional and househol...
Keywords: Asset Market Segmentation, Buy-to-let, Germany, Housing Returns, Household Portfolio Rebalancing, Qu
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Annual Conference




May 2022

Firms with correlated fundamentals often issue reports sequentially, leading to information spillovers. The theoretical literature has investigated multi-firm reporting, but only when firms report simultaneously. We examine the implications of sequential reporting, where firms aim to maximize their ...
Keywords: Disclosure, information spillovers, reporting, manipulation, bias
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