Annual Conference


Sustainable and Green Finance, Senior Fellows/Fellows


May 2022

We evaluate the impact of the 2008 Apex Oil court decision that made the creditors of some corporations financially liable for the environmental damages caused by specific pollutants. Apex reduced the circumstances under which environmental liabilities were dischargeable in Chapter 11, which generat...
Keywords: environmental liabilities, pollution, creditors, bankruptcy.
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Annual Conference


Sustainable and Green Finance


May 2022

We propose a strategic theory of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Shareholder maximizers commit to a mission statement that extends beyond firm value maximization. This commitment leads firms to change their actions in ways that ultimately favor shareholders. We thus provide a formal analysis ...
Keywords: Leadership, corporate social responsibility, shareholder model, stakeholder model, externalities, mi
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Annual Conference


Household Finance


May 2022

Many consumers below the top of the distribution of a representative population by cognitive abilities barely react to monetary and fiscal policies that aim to stimulate consumption and borrowing, even when they are financially unconstrained and despite substantial debt capacity. Differences in inco...
Keywords: Cognition, Behavioral Macroeconomics, Heterogeneous Agents, Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Beliefs, Red
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Annual Conference


Household Finance


May 2022

This paper documents the link between political voice and economic decision-making. Combining the dilution of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act as a shock to the enfranchisement of Black Americans with granular data on the US mortgage market, we document a 14.7% decline in mortgage origination for ...
Keywords: voting rights, mortgages, lending, race, discrimination, fear of rejection, homophily
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Annual Conference


Household Finance


May 2022

Using the introduction of an asset based two-tiered evaluation scheme in the 1995 CRA reform, we examine the consequences of regulatory avoidance. Banks exploit the attribute-based regulation by strategically slowing asset growth, bunching below the $250M threshold. The regulatory avoidance also pro...
Keywords: CRA, Financial Institutions, Regulatory Avoidance, Attribute-based Regulation
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