Annual Conference


Real Estate and Urban Economics


May 2024

We study the impact of the 1930s HOLC residential security maps on experienced segregation based on cell phone records which track visits out of and into home neighborhoods. We compare adjacent neighborhoods, one of which was assigned a lower grade for creditworthiness than the other. We use a sampl...
Keywords: Redlining, access to credit, experienced segregation, intergroup exposure, within-city mobility
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Annual Conference


Real Estate and Urban Economics


May 2024

We examine the spillover effects of the “Three-Red Lines” policy, a Chinese regulatory measure in 2020 that imposed leverage reduction requirements on the real estate sector. Using a firm-level exposure measure, we find that higher exposure to the real estate sector leads to more pronounced adve...
Keywords: Spillover, Real Estate, Production Network, Trade Credit
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Annual Conference


Real Estate and Urban Economics


May 2024

We study the relationship between the level of interest rates and the share of individuals who own rental properties. Using unique tax filing data from Australia, we show that declines in interest rates over the period between 2006 and 2019 have coincided with a substantial increase in the share of ...
Keywords: Household Income, Landlords, Interest Rates, Homeownership
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Annual Conference




May 2024

We examine the impact of a disclosure regulation on corporate carbon emissions and the critical factors that influence its efficacy. In 2021, the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) introduced a disclosure regulation which requires all public firms to create and report their ESG activiti...
Keywords: disclosure regulation, carbon emissions, ESG, real effects
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Annual Conference




May 2024

We examine the spillover effects of high-profile environmental lawsuits on industry peers. We find that compared to control firms, industry peers experience a decrease in chemical releases after the lawsuits. Industry peers, especially those with a higher decrease in chemical releases, also experien...
Keywords: Environmental lawsuits, peer effects, ESG disclosures, firm performance
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