Annual Conference


Investment Finance, Senior Fellows/Fellows


May 2014

Limits to arbitrage play a central role in behavioral finance. They interfere with arbitrage processes so that security prices can deviate from true values for extended periods of time. We show empirically that limits to arbitrage need not be binding even in settings characterized by extreme costs o...
Keywords: Limits to arbitrage, short sale constraints, mispricing, Short Selling, activist short sellers, trading strategies, Behavioral finance, market efficiency
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Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking, Senior Fellows/Fellows


May 2019

We explore an important role of monetary-fiscal policy interactions in explaining three stylized facts: (1) a positive correlation of stock and bond returns in 1971-2001 and a negative one after 2001, (2) a negative correlation of consumption and inflation in 1971-2001 and a positive one after 2001,...
Keywords: Stock-bond return correlation, consumption-inflation correlation, fiscal-monetary policy regime, bond risk premium, technology shock, investment shock
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Webinar Series




Aug 2020

Early in 2020, the general expectation was that the coronavirus pandemic’s effects would be more severe in developing countries than in advanced economies, both on the public health and economic fronts. Preliminary evidence as of June 2020 supports a more optimistic assessment. To date, most low- ...
Keywords: Coronavirus, Pandemic, emerging markets, Developing Countries
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Webinar Series




Jul 2020

Efficient resource allocation, during a possible new wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and similar public health crisis, requires understanding whether (and to which extent) COVID-related healthcare demand may displace or crowd-out non-COVID care. We study this crowd-out hypothesis using a large sample ...
Keywords: COVID-19, Healthcare Crowd-Out, Differences-In-Differences-In-Differences, Online Drug Retailing, Healthcare Capacity, Rx/OTC
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Webinar Series




Jun 2020

During the COVID-19 crisis, millions of migrants around the world face food insecurity. This could force migrants to travel during the pandemic, exposing them to health risks and accelerating the spread of the virus. Anecdotal evidence demonstrates the importance of enforcing food security policies ...
Keywords: COVID-19, Migrants, Food Security, Mobility, Health Pandemics, Food, Distribution, policy, Global Range
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