Annual Conference


Corporate Finance


May 2017

Using granular data on the contract terms and design details of more than 1.3 million credit card offers, we document how card issuers shroud unappealing, back-loaded features of an offer (e.g., high default APRs, late or over-limit fees) via the position of the information, font size, or complexity...
Keywords: Credit card, Shrouding, Back-loaded
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Annual Conference


Economic Transformation of Asia


May 2017

Exploiting discontinuities in program eligibility, we show that mandates on banks to lend to small firms inhibit firm growth. Newly eligible firms near the upper threshold for treatment exhibit significant real-side slowdown in investment, sales, and a nonaccounting measure, power consumption. The e...
Keywords: Small Business Lending, firm growth
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Annual Conference


International Macroeconomics, Money & Banking


May 2017

The macroeconomic effect of term premiums is a controversial issue both theoretically and quantitatively. In this paper, we explore the possibility that term premiums affect inflation and the real economy via exchange rate dynamics. For this purpose, we construct a small open economy model with limi...
Keywords: exchange rate, Term Premium, Uncovered Interest Rate Parity
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Annual Conference


Corporate Finance


May 2017

We use detailed information on individual absent spells of all employees in 4140 firms in Denmark to show large differences in average absenteeism across firms. Using employees who switch firms, we decompose days absent into an individual component (e.g., motivation, work ethic) and a firm component...
Keywords: family firms, organizational structure, employee effort
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Annual Conference


Economic Transformation of Asia


May 2017

This paper develops a model of endogenous productivity to examine the impact of public infrastructure investment on output. It matches firm-level production data with province-level infrastructure data to address a set of wellknown identification issues in the literature, and employs a structural es...
Keywords: Public Infrastructure Investment, Productivity, Rate of Return, Resource Reallocation
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