Annual Conference




May 2016

We use the introduction of exchange-traded weather derivative contracts as a natural experiment to examine the relation between risk and incentives. Specifically, we examine how executives’ ability to hedge weather-related risk that was previously difficult and costly to manage influences the desi...
Keywords: executive compensation, contract design, equity incentives, risk-taking incentives;
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Annual Conference




May 2016

Prior research has examined how companies exploit Twitter in communicating with investors, and whether Twitter activity predicts the stock market as a whole. We test whether opinions of individuals tweeted just prior to a firm’s earnings announcement predict its earnings and announcement returns. ...
Keywords: Twitter, Social media, Wisdom of Crowds, earnings, analyst earnings forecast, abnormal stock returns
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Annual Conference


Accounting, Economic Transformation of Asia


May 2016

We document the distortionary effects of accounting-based regulation on reported earnings. In India only firms with negative book value of equity (networth) can seek bankruptcy protection. Using a novel dataset of bankrupt firms from India, we show that firms manage earnings downward to seek bankrup...
Keywords: bankruptcy, emerging markets, regulation, accruals, accounting rules, tunneling
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Annual Conference


Economic Transformation of Asia


May 2016

We study how goods- and labor-market frictions affect aggregate labor productivity in China. Combining unique data with a general equilibrium model of internal and international trade, and migration across regions and sectors, we quantify the magnitude and consequences of trade and migration costs. ...
Keywords: Migration, internal trade, spatial misallocation, gains from trade, China
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Annual Conference


Economic Transformation of Asia


May 2016

We examine the effects of shocks to aggregate productivity, foreign output demand, government expenditures, and demand for foreign liquidity on dynamics of products and exports of heterogeneous firms. The framework is motivated by open economy general equilibrium models of Bilbie, Ghironi and Melitz...
Keywords: Product Adding, Product Dropping, Aggregate and Idiosyncratic Productivity Shocks, Foreign Demand Shocks, Exports, Real Exchange Rates
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