Management and Productivity: Key Findings and Key Outstanding Questions
This Master Class will review the literature around management and productivity. This is an old research area in economics – the founding president of the American Economic Association, Francis Walker, published a paper in 1887 “On the sources of business profits” in the first year of the QJE on management practices – but has had a recent revival with many papers in top-5 journals on management in the last few years. To overview this exciting new interest we will focus on five key topics:
- The concept of productivity: labor and total factor productivity, and some of the basic facts on differences in levels and dispersion across firms and countries.
- The large-sample work trying to measure and evaluate management practices – both using the World Management Survey and the recent Census MOPS surveys.
- The recent work on randomized control trials on management practices, trying to evaluate the causal impact and durability of better management practices.
- Research focusing on individual “managers” (typically CEOs) rather than “management practices” – for example, Jack Welch or Carlos Ghosn rather than firms like Toyota or Walmart.
- Some of the key outstanding research and policy questions in the field.
Program is subjected to change. Updated on 5 May 2018.