11th Annual Conference
Sustainable and Green Finance
(Joint with SGFIN)

Tuesday (Morning)
Sustainability Information and Technology
Chair: Guojun HE (The University of Hong Kong & ABFER)

Location: Ocean 6

9:00 am – 10:00 am
Dirty Air and Green Investments: The impact of pollution information on portfolio allocations
Raymond FISMAN (Boston University)
Pulak GHOSH (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore & ABFER)
Arkodipta SARKAR* (National University of Singapore)
Jian ZHANG (The University of Hong Kong)

Reena AGGARWAL (Georgetown University & ABFER)
10:00 am – 10:30 am
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Feedback on Emerging Corporate Policies
Sean CAO (University of Maryland)
Itay GOLDSTEIN (University of Pennsylvania)
Jie HE (University of Georgia)
Yabo ZHAO* (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)

Randall MORCK (University of Alberta & ABFER)
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Fighting Climate Change with FinTech
Antonio GARGANO (University of Houston)
Alberto G. ROSSI* (Georgetown University)

Prahbala NAGPURNANAND (John Hopkins University & ABFER)

Tuesday (Afternoon)
Corporate Sustainability Practices and Performance 
Chair: Johan SULAEMAN (National University of Singapore, SGFIN & ABFER)

Location: Ocean 6

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
The Effect of Carbon Pricing on Firm Performance
Tinghua DUAN (IESEG School of Management)
Frank Weikai LI* (Singapore Management University)
Hong ZHANG (Singapore Management University & ABFER)

Po-hsuan HSU (National Tsing Hua University & ABFER)
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm
3:30 pm – 4:30pm
Do Employees Have Useful Information About Firms' ESG Practices
Hoa BRISCOE-TRAN* (University of Alberta)

Ming LI (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Opening the Brown Box: Production Responses to Environmental Regulation
Rebecca DE SIMONE (University of London)
S. Lakshmi NAARAAYANAN* (University of London)
Kunal SACHDEVA (Rice University)

Arkodipta SARKAR (National University of Singapore)

  * Presenter. Program is subjected to change. Updated 30 May 2024.

Session Format

Three papers will be presented during each session. Each paper has 25 minutes for presentation, 20 minutes for discussant remarks, and 15 minutes for Q&A. There will be a 30 minutes break after the first paper.

Contact Information

Program Directors Conference Organizers

Laura STARKS (University of Texas at Austin & ABFER)
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Johan SULAEMAN (National University of Singapore, SGFIN & ABFER)
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Guojun HE (University of Hong Kong & ABFER)
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Yu QIN (National University of Singapore)
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Weina ZHANG (National University of Singapore & SGFIN)
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Call for Papers
Program Summary (PDF)
Conference Schedule (PDF)
Dress Code
Important Information
Photo Gallery