Webinar Series


Capital Market Development: China and Asia


Jul 2021

We study how consumer spending responds to digital payments, using the differential switch to digital payments across consumers induced by the sudden 2016 Indian Demonetization for identification. Usage of digital payments rose by 3.38 percentage points and monthly spending increased by 3% for an ad...
Keywords: digital payments, financial technology, Consumption, India, Demonetization
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Webinar Series


Capital Market Development: China and Asia


Apr 2021

Using a new case-level dataset, we document a set of stylized facts on bankruptcy in China and study how the staggered introduction of specialized courts across Chinese cities affected insolvency resolution and the local economy. For identification, we compare bankruptcy cases handled by specialized...
Keywords: Specialized courts, Political influence, Court efficiency, Zombie firms
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Webinar Series


Capital Market Development: China and Asia


Mar 2021

Studying China’s credit market, we find improved price efficiency and paradoxically, worsening segmentation as, amid government-led credit tightening, perceived government support for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) causes the credit spreads of non-SOEs to explode relative to their SOE counterparts...
Keywords: SOE Premium, Government Support, Credit Risk, Price Discovery, Chinese Corporate Bond
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Specialty Conference


Specialty Conference


Sep 2020

Infrastructure plays a pivotal role in national development. However, financing infrastructure projects becomes a major hurdle as it is often considered unbankable, high risk, and requires a long payback period. The use of crowdfunding as an alternative source for infrastructure project financing is...
Keywords: Crowdfunding, blended finance, commercial infrastructure financing
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Specialty Conference


Specialty Conference


Sep 2020

The paper aims to explain the use of Peer to Peer Lending-based fintech as a platform in creating economic productivity in Rural Areas in Indonesia. Peer to Peer Lending to suppress economic and social inequalities for people who are far from urban access. As for the background of this writing becau...
Keywords: Peer to Peer Lending, Rural Communities in Indonesia, Inclusive Financial, Productivity Economy
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