Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

This document provides an overview of the UMO factor. It describes its motivation, construction, and how to obtain it and use it. Behavioral theories suggest that investor misperceptions and market mispricing will be correlated across firms. The UMO factor uses equity and debt financing to identify ...
Keywords: Misvaluation Factor, New Issues, Repurchases, External Financing, Return Predictability
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Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

In a setting with information asymmetry and a tradable value-weighted market index, ambiguity averse investors hold undiversified portfolios, and assets have nonzero alphas. But when a passive fund offers the risk-adjusted market portfolio (RAMP), whose weights depend on information precisions as we...
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Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

Payment timeliness in trade credit transactions is a key metric suppliers use to monitor their buyers. However, firms are not required to disclose payment timeliness information. In theory, late payments could be either a positive or negative indicator of future performance. We find that late paymen...
Keywords: trade credit, non-bank lending, customer–supplier relationships, stock returns, private information, supply chain
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Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

This document provides an overview of the FIN and PEAD factors of Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Sun (2020) and describes their motivations, constructions, and availability. Based on investor psychology, Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Sun (2020) propose a theoretically motivated factor model that augments the m...
Keywords: Factor Models, Behavioral Factors
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Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

The peer review process typically has multiple evaluators. Too often editors rely on the Union Heuristic, which requires authors to perform all requested tests and extensions suggested by referees and editors, with results confirming the paper’s message. The Union Heuristic is easy, but has dysfu...
Keywords: Editing, Editorial process, Peer review, Research, Academic publishing, Innovation, Turnaround time, Refereeing, Union Heuristic, Intersection Heuristic, Up-or-out
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