Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

Our study examines the impact of women’s abortion rights protection on female auditors’ mobility. Exploiting the state-level adoption of Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) laws that restrict women’s access to abortion, we find that female auditors’ propensity to relocate to sta...
Keywords: TRAP Laws, Abortion Policy, Skilled Women, Labor Mobility, Political Ideology, auditors
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Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

We develop a new social media sentiment index by quantifying the tone of posts about housing on Weibo between 2010 and 2020 in 35 largest cities in China. We find that the social media sentiment index significantly predicts house price changes for up to six quarters ahead, after controlling for the ...
Keywords: Sentiment, social learning, house prices, China
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Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

Full days worked at home account for 28 percent of paid workdays among Americans 20-64 years old, as of mid 2023, according to the Survey of Working Arrangements and Attitudes. That’s about four times the 2019 rate and ten times the rate in the mid-1990s that we estimate in time-use data. We first...
Keywords: Work from home, productivity, labor costs, job amenities, pandemic
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Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

We design and field an innovative survey of unemployment insurance (UI) recipients that yields new insights about wage stickiness on the layoff margin. Most UI recipients express a willingness to accept wage cuts of 5-10 percent to save their jobs, and one third would accept a 25 percent cut. Yet wo...
Keywords: Wage rigidity, sticky wages, layoffs, unemployment insurance, survey of job losers, worker perceptions
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Senior Fellows/Fellows


Senior Fellows/Fellows

An information cascade is a situation in which an agent who observes others chooses the same action irrespective of the value of the agent’s private information signal. Theoretical models have found that cascades result in poor information aggregation, inaccurate decisions, and fragility of mass b...
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